Some of the almost 400 people who attended the 2024 show.Gerald Arends (left), WOD webmaster, and Mike Walker (Board member) took their shift on the train show admission desk.An unknown attendee discusses methods with fine scale modeller, Greg Shinnie, who had more of his excellent work on display.Wayne Wessner, WOD Superintendent (left) and Pat Rivard, Assistant Superintendent, staffed the Craftsman’s Corner at the WOD booth. Steve Juranics, a past WOD Superintendent, also demonstrated wood kit modelling techniques during the afternoon at the WOD booth.The excellent Lego Layout at the showWayne Wessner displayed this under construction O scale model of a black smith’s operation at the WOD Craftsman’s Corner booth. Wayne is kit bashing this model using components from a Bar Mills 3-in-one kit. This kit was the basis for an all-day build along clinic hosted by the NFR’s Western New York Division in the Spring 2024. WOD members were able to purchase the Bar Mills kits at a 40% discount.This 1/25th scale Cooker’s Repair Shop is a fine scale diorama produced by Bob Santos. In addition to examples of excellent modelling, the show also featured 7 operating layouts. See the December NFR Flimsy for more modelling photosA shopper at the show examines the wide range of 3D printed accessories for sale from one of the shows new vendors, Phil’s Train Layout Store, based in LondonPat Rivard was one of four WOD members who conducted one-hour clinics open to all train show attendees. The theme of Pat’s clinic was how anyone with any skill level could build realistic coniferous trees.George Dutka (left) helped young visitors to the show operate the WOD’s switching layout.John Wagner (right), Train Show Coordinator, congratulates mother and son door prize winners, Jen and Harry Benninger. They each selected an N scale freight car donated by Kingston Locomotive Works.Train show volunteers, some of the 25 who made the show run smoothly, included (left to right) Mike Scott, Gerald Arends, Linda Hayward, Joseph Bach, John Wagner (Train Show Coordinator), and Charlie Ellis.Ed Hayden, MMR®, selected a Rapido hopper car door prize donated by Kingston Locomotive Works. See the table of prizes and sponsors for a complete list of winners. Winners could choose the type and scale of the prize they wanted.Mike Walker (right) congratulates David McIntyre for winning one of the door prizes provided by Paris Junction Hobbies.