Category: SIGs and Forums
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SIG – Special Interest Groups
Definition: Special Interest Group (SIG) is an independent, non-profit, membership group organized to provide a forum for the exchange and collection of railroad prototype and/or model railroad information about specific topics. SIGs often provide more in-depth advice and information about their specific aspect of the hobby to help modelers develop their skills. To gain access the services provided by a SIG, a person usually has to request access or membership. SIGs may have an additional, nominal membership fee to help with their operations and publications.
This page contains information about railroad and model railroad organizations which have chosen to join the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) Special Interest Group (SIG) Program.
The British Region of the NMRA has several SIGs which may also be of interest:
Modular Signal System – MSS
This SIG will serve as a clearing house for general information and provide mutual support about the MSS 2.0 (Modular Signal System) standard. This is a standardized method for animating model railroad signals to react to trains moving along a signaled track. MSS simulates basic Absolute Block Signal (ABS) functionality in any model railroad scale and format, though it’s especially well-suited for a modular model railroad. Additional information about MSS can be obtained at the MSS web site.
Layout Design Special Interest Group
OpenLCB – Open Layout Control Bus
Operations Special Interest Group
Steel Mill Modellers Special Interest Group
Private Road Name Modelers
CMRI – Computer/Model Railroad Interface (Dr. Bruce Chubb)
End of SIG
Many, but not all, Forums use the to host their chats.
A forum to discuss railway operations and industries and how to model them The Ry-ops-industrialSIG list, (Ops-Ind) is the primary discussion list of the Operations SIG of the NMRA and the NMRA’s Industries SIG.
The purpose of this list is to provide a forum for railway modellers to discuss railroad operations as well as to model industry practices and operations. Operations is a series of events that are required to complete a task.
The Railwire
There are a number of Railroad Prototype Modeller (RPM) Forums and Groups across North America. These are a few as of 2021:
Hindsight 20/20
Hindsight 2020 This is group is a companion to the Hindsight 2020 RPM (Railroad Prototype Modelers). Clinicians are encouraged to start a message thread covering their clinic in order to facilitate a question and answer component of their presentation. When applying for membership in this group, please include some kind of screen name (your real name, or otherwise) rather than just using your email address.